Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Back

I've taken some time off, evidently since last August. Lately, the guys at are probably growing tired of my posts documenting every single little thing I put Slipstream on and how awesome it is. Jason is probably getting tired of every little thought I have about the new AR and the can, and every little thing I put Slipstream on and how awesome it is.

Then I remembered the old blog. Nobody reads this anyway, so no one will get tired of my endless excitement about Slipstream, or the stream-of-consciousness I have when it comes to playing with my guns. Perfect place to post all that stuff.

So, if you want to read about my experiences with Slipstream up until now, check out Crusader Weaponry's section on I'll post a little bit about the new Cavalry Arms lower receiver build, and the subsequent build up of my existing AR-15 into Tacti-Beast.

To my lack of readers out there, Enjoy!

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